Keeping Informed About ADHD and Adult ADHD Medications

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the culprit of relationship and career problems. It puts the person affected in a very difficult situation at home, at work or school and outside places. Life’s demands gives too much pressure on the adult with ADHD, especially focus is required to achieve goals.

Adult ADHD diagnosis is obtained based on the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in children. ADHD does not start in adulthood. Symptoms start during childhood but have gone unnoticed or entirely denied. If the behavioral disorder is left untreated, it may totally ruin one’s life. Therefore, adult ADHD diagnosis should be acquired if signs manifest.

Diagnosing ADHD involves a number of tests. An ADHD test for adults is available online and can be over in no time at all. But the result should not be taken as entirely accurate but only serves as basis to determine whether professional help has to be sought. One type consists of less than ten items and some others comprises of more than ten.

This ADHD test for adults is grounded on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist and revised for online use. The questions cover behaviors linked to hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention and distractibility which are the major problems of persons with ADHD. The test-taker just chooses from the options: Never, Rarely, Sometimes or Often. He should answer on how he truly behaved for the past six months. It is strongly advised that it be answered as honest as possible to get correct results. Bear in mind that only experts can diagnose properly.

There are a lot of ways to treat ADHD. There are numerous and safe treatments without the need of gulping down pills. But depending on the case, stimulant drugs and other medications, psychotherapy, and family therapy are also available.

One needs to know that ADHD medication for adults is more effective when combined with other non-pill treatments. Benefits of the medication are boosted if coping skills are also learned at the same time. The effects of the medication vary from person to person. So it takes studies, observation and time to get the suitable medication and dosage. These medications also have side effects so the patient needs to be monitored closely.

Stimulant drugs are known to effectively treat ADHD for many years and said to improve one’s focus. Non-stimulants may also be given if the stimulants do not work or cause side effects. Decrease appetite, sleep problems and headaches are the known common side effects of the adult ADHD medications. Rare but more serious are cardiovascular problems, psychiatric problems and drug abuse. If side effects persist, the dosage of the pill can be adjusted, the medication can be changed or adjust the time of intake. Consulting with the doctor is vital to avoid these.

Discovering Adult ADHD Symptoms

Every time we hear of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, we think of rowdy kids straight away. Little did people know that adults may also be affected with the said behavioral disorder. This might be the reason, why some adults who might have ADHD do not bother to seek professional diagnosis and treatment despite of the ADHD symptoms in adults manifesting in his behaviors.


The diagnostic criteria for ADHD in children became the basis for detecting ADHD in adults.  Most of the behaviors present in children with ADHD are also exhibited by adults. Despite this, experts believe it manifests more imperceptibly, making detection of ADHD quite difficult.



Symptoms of ADHD in adults consist of having difficulty getting organized. As adults, there are several things to think about and manage. It becomes overwhelming for the adult with ADHD, ending up chaotic or incoherent. This is thought of to be the cause of major distraction in the adult’s life.


It is hard for a person with ADHD to concentrate on the task at hand that includes driving. This is the reason why they get into traffic accidents. ADHD drives the adult to speed up.


Finding the ability to focus when in a noisy or busy place is too difficult for them. Even when doing mundane tasks, small noises can distract them. They also get bored too abruptly. Attention regulation is a big problem linked to ADHD. This can often lead to failure of completion of work, thus poor work performance.


Due to inattention, adults with ADHD have poor listening skills. They could not concentrate on what the other person is telling them, and a hard time recalling a discussion that happened. Time and again they overlook their appointments. Forgetting meetings and dates often lead to misunderstanding, too.


Hyperactivity in children with ADHD manifests as restlessness in adults. They can’t seem to relax and often edgy or jittery.


Procrastination is common in symptoms of ADHD. They often struggle starting tasks that demands a lot of attention. They also fail to meet serious commitments, instead spend their time on nonsense goals.


Persistent tardiness is also seen in adults suffering from ADHD. It happens because they remember to do other things such as washing up the car. Other tasks which are suddenly realized cause the delays.


ADHD in adults may also cause them to have emotional difficulties. They seem to have no control over their feelings, that they often have anger outburst. Mood swings, having a sense of insecurity and hypersensitivity to disparagement are some of the common emotional symptoms.


Having adult ADHD symptoms should not be something to be ashamed of. There is a way to use these behaviors to one’s advantage. But first, diagnosis by a professional should be provided.

Benefits of ADHD Online Test

An individual’s behavior affects all aspects of his life. It can either help him succeed or fail, frustrated or satisfied. For adults who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, their hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention can cause them their work and friendship. On a lighter note, these undesirable behaviors can be beaten and overcome. But first, a diagnosis is required to know whether or not it is indeed ADHD. Only medical professionals can give the right diagnosis that is reliable.


If an individual is struggling to organize his stuff and work, often procrastinates, starts with a project but has trouble finishing it up, easily gets bored, gets distracted easily by the noise around him, does not have the patience of waiting for his turn, and tends to speak out without thinking first, he or she have the symptoms of ADHD.


Adults have developed their sense of identity and reputation. Seeking professional help when signs of symptoms of ADHD manifest are unlikely for us. Most of us think it can hurt our ego. But thinking of its effects is much worse than a miffed self-image. Diagnosis is of paramount importance for treatment.


To make it easier for adults to screen themselves whether or not they really need professional help, an ADHD test online has been made available for easy and quick use by adults. It is based on the Adults Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist and modified for online usage. It comprises of set of questions targeting the individual’s behavior and aims to know the frequency of occurrence of behaviors which are linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders in adults. 


The quiz is divided into two parts. The questions contained in the short quiz are the rate of recurrence of committing haphazard mistakes while working on an uninteresting project, how often does one have problems finishing up a task when confronted with the exigent parts, the frequency of occurrence of delaying things, the distraction experienced by the noise around or how often focusing on a conversation is too difficult. It also poses questions like how often one fidgets or squirms with his hands or feet, feeling excessively active or talking too much during social circumstances. All of these questions are related to the behaviors displayed by an adult with ADHD.


The adult ADHD test online automatically presents the individual with the result. It also provides description of the score. If it results to a high score like 13 points, it suggests the test-taker might have symptoms of the disorder and further evaluation is necessitated. It is not a confirmation of the condition; it is merely a pre-screening of one’s behavior. 

Discover how ADD/ADHD can be a gift

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Deficit? Disorder? Tell that to Mark Patey.

Diagnosed as ADD/ADHD in the fifth grade and placed in special education classes, Mark chose not to believe that he was “broken.” He has since become an incredibly successful entrepreneur, pilot, and advocate for those who think outside of the box. The ADD Gift was founded in that spirit.

“Different is not a disorder!”
-Mark Patey